Xtreme Tactical Gear. (Our Official Quartermaster) Site is currently under re-development,
They Can get you ANYTHING relating to Tactical Training PaintBall and AirSoft.(And you know that to stay "Fit to Fight" you
must train in these disciplines regularly).This is their order Number. Tel: Number temp out of
Soon to Come: Airsoft Tech! Preview the Airsoft Tech Training Manual before Publication!
Downloadable, It will save you Money if you compile it yourself In these short Vinettes. (It's Not the Money, But your
Survival that Counts).

Players of SOF-2!
We are currently making "XoR Commando Training" Our Linkable Map for Multiplayer
Deathmatch. In the Meantime Look for SOF-2, Goldrush Mod, Multiplayer Deathmatch, "XoR Commando Tng. No Kick Policy
". Every Weekend from 19:00 hrs Friday untill 24:00 Hrs sunday. (sometimes later)
Our Policy on the Use of Aimbots, Hacks Or Tricks.
OICW (Aimbots or "Bots") are allowed on the server and you can't be kicked by anyone
(Not even by Bad Lt. Himself!) We dont use these but in view of the Pentagons
Official position,"Use of Bots is the closest to useing the New Computerized Battle rifle by Allient Industries. The OICW
(which Bad Lt. Torture Tested at his Colorado testing Center with 100.000 rounds before giveing His O.K.), makes a miss highly
unlikely (Auto-aim/auto-track/auto-fire/auto-discriminate) and can even see through walls!!!"
The Generals agree that its Just Like the Modern Battlefield, So we decided to allow them
and because we dont want to get caught up in the time consuming activity of
finding them out and Banning them.
XoR Commandos Do Not use Aimbots, Tricks or Hacks.
We believe that by fighting against them useing old fashioned skill, we become better Commandos.
Many Servers dont Like the OICW so if they dont
allow it then don't do it! Any XoR Commando Caught Botting on any Server will be removed from the
Group!....Let them have their world...But if they just say that and
are useing their own OICW or other device to get an unfair advantage...REPORT THIS TO ME! and
Let the Lamers Die Fools!!!
Could you imagine in a Paintball War someone saying, "Oh...you have more air than I do...No
Fair.." How Absurd.
Or mabie in Iraq we should use slingshots so the enemy can kill us?..." No
I cant... But You Must respect the rules of others.
OUR RULES ARE: Anything Go's, You Cannot
be Kicked by anyone.
An interesting site.
Another interesting site.

E-mail us a pic of you wearing Bad Lt. Gear while playing SOF-2 "Bot Test and Tune" and we
will send you something Badd-ass you will really like! (Hardcore Bro...hardcore!) Must show monitor and "Bot test and Tune"
front page. Gear must be identifiable.

Although a Noble effort, this did not Qualify because although at least three members are
wearing Bad.Lt. Gear, 1. We cannot see the logo on the front of the Training Hat, (Forground-Left) 2. We cannot see
the monitors on the 2 LT's in the background and 3. The monitor in the forground, although showing a battle scene does not
show the "Bot Test and Tune" Front Page (AKA "Loading" Page.)
Click HERE to Get SOF-2 Multiplayer Demo Here Right NOW for FREE!!!
Bad Lieutenants Stats: Click Here.
To be as Good (Or Better) than Bad Lieutenant, Click this and use the "Target Practice" link at the right of the New page.
Soon...you will be so good you'll be getting Kicked off of servers for "Cheating"....(^>)
To Get and Configure your Own OICW (Aimbot) Click Here
Read this before you join a "Reenacting" unit! (Click HERE)
Make a Cool Movie Prop Gun for under 5 Dollars!

Typical Orange Cap PIstol from the Dollar Store. |

Twin Caps After Black Wall Mart Paint. |
Go to the Dollar Tree (or some other Dollar Store) and Buy a few of those orange
Plastic/Metal Cap Guns.($1.00 But I Bought 2!) It must use the plastic caps that are in a circle (Not
Paper Roll Caps).
Take a Drill and drill a hole in the otherwise sealed plastic Barrel and keep drilling till you punch through
the other end, (this is so the gas, Corn Starch or flour and noise will come out the front of the barrel making for a
great Video Effect.!)
Take a Can of Black Wall Mart Spray Paint ($1.00) and spray from all angels nice and
even and take your time! Go over it again Till All Orange is Gone!
Now, Take some silver model paint ($1.00) and Highlight the screws
and "Holster Wear" areas making it look like it has worn off some of the Blue
from the "Metal".
Take Some Brown Model Paint ($1.00) and Highlight the grip area to make it look like custom grips.
Swipe your Sisters, (Mothers, Girlfriends, etc...etc..) RED Nail Polish
(FREE) and put the three dots on the sights like in the picture. This gives the look of a Competition shooter!
You are Done! For less then $5.00 you have made a Movie Prop gun so realistic
that you might actually fool the POLICE! So remember
Now get out that Video deal and Put some "Sluggs" in your Buddyz Head!
Note: Wear Ear Protection because this will be much louder
then before and the sound will come out the barrel! Put some corn starch in the barrel and "Smoke" will come out too!! ENJOY!!!!

Painted on, "Wear and Tear" makes for a more authentic presence. |

Thanks to Drilling, the "Bussiness end" is "Open For Bussiness"! |

Three Dot Sights Make for the Pro Shooter Look! |