The Hooters Girls Keep the Tires Smokin with more SuperBike Winners!!!

Flanked By Russ and Brian of R&B Motorcycles of Tarpon Springs, The Champion enjoys Hooter-dom. |
The Hooters Girls were 100% on this "Hooters Orange" stuntbike By Rick Merrill for the
"Best Exotic" catagory. This 750 Suzuki will Hunt, Heads up!

Hay here for the trophy, the Girls or the wings? |
your bike to Smoke???
Better get over to
R&B Motorcycles so they can hook you up like a Monster.
Come to HOOTERS on bike night and get a discount book that
will save you Mucho Dinero on the Hottest
performance Parts and add-ons.(and while they work on your can practice your skills on the playstation in the

Deidre Peterson, OXOjamm's Miss Sportbike for Sept., Seems to like Phils Honda 1000..Smokin... |
Miss Sportbike is selected from the
ranks of the Hooters Girls who staff our tue Bike night at the Palm Harbor Location.
The Sportbikers vote on who the lucky Girl will be and is based on many
unique qualifications...mostly which are as differant from rider to rider as our riding styles
Deidre has great knowlege of Sportbikes, exceptional job
performance at Hooters and AWSOME lean angle.....(Never heard it put that
way before..have you?) and she's Pretty as a picture, as you can see..... Deidre wins a free
ride on my YZF-750-R- ..........(^>)

Hay Rich...You can only have one Girl ride on your bike at a time....(^>) |
Rich Legere
Took our Coveted,"Best Composite Bike" Trophy (Which used to be called, "Best Rat Bike" But because there are no "Ratty" Bikes
in our Crew, we changed the name to fit our more polished image)
His very Sano GSXR-600 had a 1000
upper, 750 sides,750 fender, 750 master cilinders, footpegs,brackets and other small stuff. Fitted with a 750 top o tha line
Yoshi pipe you would never guess unless he told you. Very Clean how about finding us some parts to help improve
the trophy?....(^>)

Lightnin Bob better be carefull...these girls know what the tribal Paint means...(^>) |
Lightnin Bob (Robert S.) Kesler won our
"Best Late Model" Trophy HANDS DOWN with his 91 Suzuki GSXR 1340
Racebike! (Thats right....1340)
This bike belonged to the up and comming Motosport Racer Donold Jacks
before his Non-Race related untimely accidental death. A real piece of Sportbike history that still
smokes um like a MONSTER.........and now it belongs to
our very own Lightnin Bob!!!
Miss. Sportbike Says,..... |

"Hay Dawgs, If you want a better view you need to mount that sled and throttle on over here! |
Diedre Peterson took her title of Miss. Sportbike
seriosly....seriosly enough that is, to go out and buy a new GSXR-600 limited edition!!!
Now that's a Miss Sportbike to admire!!!
Diedre is taking her Motorcycle written test this week.....
"Hay Diedre, Piece of Cake.....the test, that is.... and we are all
rooting for you! Get it done Girl and LET'S RIDE"........(^>)
Now this is Rino Power!!! |

Travis Basks in the sea of Babedom including our new Hostess,Leah (2nd fr.Left) Hang on tight Leah! |
Travis Oyer Took the Custom Bike Trophy from a field
of only 3 Riders! (Cause it Rained and know how it is.....some Boyz just don't ride
in the rain.) It was a pretty close contest though and there was some wooly last min. action to try to out-do one
all came down to the flashing colored lights having an edge...and that one was EXTREME RIDER Travis, on his 01.GSXR-600
with full TRS system frame sliders strobes and tinted yellow winshield and headlights! Actually there was more...much
more...but you need to come and see it for yourself, and try for yourself.......usually there are more than 30 contenders
for such a win, But FORTUNE FAVORS THE BRAVE.

Phil knows how to handle his Honda 1000 but he's not sure how to handle all this attention.... |
Phil Ferrone's Honda 1000 beat out a lot of fancy
bikes for the second "Prettiest Sportbike" Contest. The Hooters Girls thought his Bike was clean and sleek, Polished in all
the right places..... without a lot of fluff. We agree.

The Pasco Outlaws Throttle up for yet another Exciting (But Safe)Nightride. |
When Phil was asked about his Night-ride with the Pasco
Outlaws he said that what he liked the most was that although there was an agressive pace, the Outlaws
did a headcount at several checkpoints to see if everyone was OK.....This is important guys. If you loose someone, each second
is critical and could mean the diff between life and death. That's why the Pasco Outlaws
have been selected as our Ride Club of choice again for the month of October.Keep it up Outlaws.
Your Club is second to none in Fun and safety!

Pretty as a Picture...and Now twice as fast. |
Diedre Peterson
(Miss Sportbike Sept.) Has been elected as Miss Sportbike for October, as well!!!
Her dedication to the sportbike scene has been lauded by all, especially since she felt
that a person who had the title should own one! Here she is on her very own GSXR 600
limited edition. Wow. what a combination!!!
Diedre (Dee Dee), also offered to donate her hard won beauty
contest trophys to us when ours were damaged, recently. She really has
the spirit...and definatly deserves the title, Miss Sportbike!